Because of you...
Your continued support helps us move forward in our mission and call to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God provides for the ministry of Bethel Christian Church through your tithes and offerings. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship so that the financial integrity of the church remains beyond reproach.
Missionary Support
Your giving helps us support 12 missionaries across the globe. We have missionaries in Africa, Europe, the Middle East, South America and even here domestically in the U.S. We are able to partner with them and proclaim the gospel all around the world.
Serving our community
Your offerings and tithes allow us to serve our community with ministry efforts such as God's Pantry, a food pantry that gives free groceries to families in need. Twice a month the pantry is open at the back side of our church offices to give both hope and food to those who are in need.
Digital Missions
At Bethel, we do lots of different things to spread God's truth and love around the world. By leveraging technology, we’re able to reach the world for Christ in ways that weren’t possible in the past. Your giving empowers us to stream our services to an audience that goes beyond the four walls of the church.
Special Projects
Supporting schools in DR
Sending water, food, and supplies to PR
Sending materials to Haiti