Dear Parents, 

God created us for a reason. Many kids are trying to figure out what their purpose is. They may feel they have to wait until they’re grown-ups to know why God created them. Use this lesson to help your kids see that we can be in relationship with God at any age—and that’s our purpose!

Think about what’s special about the way God made you? How have you used those special traits to serve God?

Pray for your children to feel valued and important as they learn why God made them. Look for the special traits God gave your child and encourage them to use their special traits to praise Him.

Parents How to Teach this Lesson - This lesson will help your child understand that God created us for a reason

  1. Start by reading the bible lesson.

  2. After reading the lesson watch the video.

  3. Enjoy time together in worship and prayer.

  4. Download and print the activity sheet and coloring page.

Bethel Kidz is back! We would love to see you in person at the 9:00 AM or 11:15 AM service! Until then keep coming back online every week for a new lesson and activities. 

On the Winning Side,

Migdalia “Mickey” Hernandez Director - Bethel Kidz 

Lesson: Forever in Heaven 

Lesson Introduction 

Today we’re going to learn about everything God created, including us. God created us for a reason. Let’s talk about what we would create and for what reason 

Dig Into the Bible Lesson 

Genesis 1–2:24 (NIV) –   Read     Listen

  • In This Passage: In just six days, God made everything in the world. He made a perfect place to live, and then he made his most special creation—humans. God made us in his image to rule over his creation. God created us for a reason. After he made everything, God rested.

  • Bible Point: God created us for a reason.

  • Memory Verse: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Genesis 1:1). Let’s Talk About It:

Today we’re going to learn about everything God created, including us. God created us for a reason. Let’s talk about what we would create and for what reason. 

Tell kids what you would create if you could create anything. Explain the reason you’d create that item. For example, maybe you’d make a machine that finds all the dirty dishes and loads them into the dishwasher because you don’t like doing dishes.

Have kids tell what they would create if they could create anything. Explain the reason they’d create their items.

Open a Bible and Say: We’d make some really cool things, but we’d need supplies. God made the whole world out of nothing! And he had an important reason for making people. Let’s see what the Bible says about that. The Bible isn’t an ordinary book; it’s God’s special book. The Bible is one way God talks to us. God is here right now, ready to talk to you.

Say: You are going to make a zoo habitat for an animal. 

Provide paper, markers or crayons for your child to draw a habitat for their zoo animal. 

 Say: Decide what animal you want to make a habitat for, and then think through everything your animal would need in a home. You’ll use your creativity to design a model of the perfect habitat for your animal. 

Ask: • What does your animal need to have a perfect home?

• Why would you care about making sure your animal had what it needed?

• How did you use creativity to make your habitat?

Say: Today we’re going to learn that God created us for a reason. But before God created people, he created a special home for us. We used supplies to imagine our habitats, but God started with nothing! Let’s see what God created and why it helped make a good home for us.

Say: In the beginning, there was nothing. But God is creative! So God made light and darkness. 

Darken the room as much as possible. Turn lights off. 

Ask: Why would humans need light and darkness?

Turn the lights back on. 

Say: After he made light and darkness, God made the sky.

Ask: What does the sky do for humans?

Say: After he made the sky, God made the land and sea. 

Have kids run in place like they’re on land and then pretend to swim in the sea.

Ask: Why are both of those important for humans?

Say: After he made the land and sea, God made plants, like fruit and trees. 

Ask: What are your favorite plants to eat?

Say: Remember the light and darkness and the land? Those things all help plants live and grow. And humans need plants to eat. God was setting up everything just right.

        After he made plants, God made the sun, moon, and stars. 

Have kids sing “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” as fast as they can.

Ask: Why are the sun, moon, and stars important to humans?

Say: Did you know that the moon is related to the seas? The moon actually controls when the tides in the ocean come in and go out. If the tides didn’t come in and go out like they’re supposed to, the land would flood and people would lose their homes! And the sun, in addition to providing us with light, is just the right distance from the earth so that humans and animals can survive. God made everything just right for a home for us.

Then God made fish and birds. 

Have kids try to answer the next question while making a fish face.

Ask: What benefits do fish and birds bring to humans?

Say: Next, God made animals. 

On the count of three, have kids make the sound of their favorite animal.

Ask: What’s your favorite animal? What’s your favorite thing about animals?

Say: After God made all these things, God said it was good. It was kind of like your habitats. But there’s something missing from your habitats, right? God had made the whole world, but he had one more job. So God made the best thing yet. God made people!

         Read Genesis 1:26-27 and 1:31.

Say: Notice that God said it was very good when he made humans. We were the best part of his creation. God made us for a reason. He made us in his image because he wanted to be friends with us.

If you have balloons, give one to each child. 

Say: The Bible also talks about how God created people. It’s pretty amazing! Listen.

Read Genesis 2:7. 

Have your child use permanent markers to draw faces on their uninflated balloons and blow them up. Help them tie off the balloons as needed.

Say: Not only did God make the perfect place for humans to live, but he used the ground he’d made to make something even better! 

But he realized making one person wasn’t enough. He realized the man needed a friend. So here’s what God did.

Read Genesis 2:21-22.

\Say: God made us for a reason. He made us so unique and special! The Bible says God made us in his own image and that he breathed life into us. He didn’t do that for anything else he made. God made you for a reason. He made you unique and special. He has a purpose for your life. You may not know what that specific purpose is yet, but whenever you worship or honor God, you’re already fulfilling God’s purpose for you.

Say: Think about special things God put into you. Maybe he made you good at math or soccer. Maybe he made you kind or encouraging. On your balloon, write words about the unique ways God made you.

As your children finish writing on their balloons, hang the balloons up with tape. If your ceiling is low enough, you can put rolled pieces of tape on the top of the balloons and stick the balloons to the ceiling so they look like floating helium balloons. If your ceiling is too high, put rolled pieces of tape on the side of the balloons and attach them to a wall.

Say: Our room was good before you came today. But now it’s very good! It’s full of people God made for a reason! Just as your balloons are full of something that came from you—your breath—you are filled with something that came from God. You’re made in his image, made alive by his breath! He made people special, and he made you for a reason.

Say: God created us for a reason. He created you with special talents and interests that you can use to bring him glory.

Give your child another piece of paper. Write or draw one of your talents or interests on your paper. Then fold it up.

Say: Now strike a pose that represents what you wrote or drew. If you wrote “soccer,” you might pose like you’re kicking a ball. If you wrote “singing,” you might pretend to hold a microphone.

  • Pray:

God, thank you for creating everyone for a reason. Thank you for creating us with different talents and interests we can use to worship you. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Watch: God’s Creation

Say: We’ve been learning that God made us for a reason. We can praise God in a special way. But the Bible talks about how everything God made can praise him. Let’s watch a video about that.

Watch God’s Creation  

Ask: How could the skies or stars praise God? How could elephants and whales praise God?

Read Luke 19:40. 

Say: If we don’t praise God, nature can.

Ask:  What’s special about the way humans can praise God?

Say: It’s kind of a mystery how animals and nature could bring praise to God. They can’t use words to say kind things about him. Even though everything God created can praise him, nothing can love or praise him quite like we can. God made us for a reason—to love him, praise him, and be in a relationship with him. 

Bethel Kidz - Let’s Worship God Together! (VIDEO)

Coloring Page

Activity Sheet


Keep on engaging your children throughout the week with these great resources!

The Bible App for Kids

NEW - Veggie Tales – YouTube Channel

The Beginners Bible – Animated Bible Stories

Superbook – The Bible Alive! – English

Super Libro – En Español 

Focus on the Family: Adventures in Odyssey – Whits’ End

Jesus Song with Lyrics from Saddleback Kids - Watch Video

7 Coronavirus Questions from Kids & How to Answer Using the Bible    English Español

Come back next Sunday as we continue The Bible in One Year and learn   How God Gives Adam and Eve a Choice to Stay Close to Him.
